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Meditation and Therapeutic Yoga

You know the best way to heal and reduce your panic attacks is through meditation, breath work, and mindfulness. You are working on forgiving your past self through breath work and grounding techniques and striving to find inner peace in a chaotic world. Self care has become your everything and kindness is your shadow. If you forget and your anxiety begins to take hold, you are only one breath away from taking back your imaginary control and letting go.

What are the benefits of practicing yoga & Meditation?

Practicing yoga improves:
  • balance
  • coordination
  • endurance
  • flexibility and strength
Meditation helps:
  • keep the mind sharp
  • relives stress and anxiety
  • can strengthen the immune system
  • keep the mind and body happy and healthier
Relax… Restore… Rejuvenate… Bainbridge Center offers specialized yoga classes. Attendees will explore yoga poses which incorporate linking breath with movement in a focused sequence of: seated, standing, balancing, belly and reclined postures. These classes are meant to challenge the participant to gain: strength and flexibility, detoxify, and find the inner calm marked with an overall sense of well being. Each session is intended to teach participants how to strengthen in certain yoga poses and thoroughly relax into the soothing, restorative postures. These therapeutic yoga sessions allow the practitioner to: completely unwind and release, to rest deeply in poses promoting restoration of all the organ systems and calm the nervous system, lower the stress hormone and increase immune function. This kind of gentle nourishment actually rejuvenates the individual! Yoga techniques facilitate balance and health, and unfold dormant potential as each individual becomes more aware of their own deep, internal wisdom, as a natural response to becoming more self aware.

Meet Our Instructors

Yvonne Clark, E-RYT500, C-IAYT, YACEP

Healing Sound Guided Meditation

Kelly Frank, RYT

Office Manager, Yoga Instructor

Mary Johnson,

Yoga Instructor

View our current available classes by clicking on the button below or call us at 248-792-8273 to reserve a spot today.